**Updated July 1st, 2018**
What is 500px.me and why is it different from 500px.com?
500px.me is a localized version of 500px.com for Chinese users. By localized, we mean that anyone who wants to use 500px.com in China will have access to the same experience as our other international users.
Why is the site called 500px.me?
In order to operate 500px in China, 500px needs to live on a localized Chinese website. Typically, we roll out our product in new countries using the same 500px URL but we are not able to launch this way in China. This is why we’ve used the .me extension.
Who is VCG?
Visual China Group, our partner in 500px.me, is a listed company in the Chinese stock market. As parent company of 500px, VCG’s interests are totally aligned with 500px’s across the board, and they are committed to investing in the 500px.me user base to make it a world-class community for local users. VCG also has over 15 years of copyright protection and enforcement experience in the photography market; while we were their first photo community partner, they currently work with over 240 reputable image and content partners globally. You can rest assured they are dedicated to protecting your photos. Users can also learn more about our global distribution network by visiting - https://500px.com/licensing.
What can I expect from the 500px.me experience?
You enjoy the same 500px experience, but with better exposure of your content. Also, this is an exciting avenue for inspiration from Chinese photographers.
How is 500px ensuring my photo’s security?
Photos are stored safely with enterprise-level security, and the same measures of protection are enforced on 500px.me as on 500px.com to avoid direct image downloading. A Copyright Compliance team dedicated to tracking potential misuses of exclusive, licensable 500px imagery to combat any copyright infringement, has been established.
Why are Likes, Comments, etc., different on 500px.me/500px.com?
Initially, not all 500px members were opted-in to the 500px.me experience, so the Like count appears to be different on both sites. Because 500px.me uses a different commenting system, the comments on 500px.com are not reflected on 500px.me. None of these differences affect your photo’s Pulse.
Can I log into 500px.me with my 500px.com credentials?
Logging in to 500px.me is not possible for 500px.com users. This way, your private credentials remain isolated to 500px.com servers. Also, this avoids any confusion related to the localized experience in 500px.me. You still have full control of your synced profiles in 500px.me. All changes made in 500px.com are automatically synced to 500px.me behind the scenes.
Does a licensing platform exist on 500px.me?
Our relationship with VCG is truly a partnership. They are the premier licensing agency in China, and have represented our licensable content in this key buyer region since early 2015. This opens doors for our contributors to sell their work to a huge, growing market that has traditionally been difficult for artists to tap into. The team at 500px.me also protects our exclusive user’s copyright. They’ll seek out potential misuses on the user’s behalf and issue takedown notices and infringement notices if it appears an image has not been licensed properly.
Do I have to participate in 500px.me?
As of July 1st, 2018, all 500px user profiles are automatically integrated with 500px.me. This is an amazing opportunity for our community of photographers to gain exposure to a massive and exciting new audience.
Can users tell the difference between a 500px.com user and a a 500px.me user?
500px is already a global community, so users on 500px.com and 500px.me will not be distinguished differently in any way.