You can upload photos using the Upload page. If you'd like to license your photos be sure to save them with the highest JPEG settings. Images must be a minimum of 3MP in size to be accepted for Licensing, plus have at least 5 keywords. If you are submitting for Licensing, you'll also need to be sure your contact information (email and phone required) is confirmed before submitting your images, otherwise your images will be placed into the Changes Required state until you can confirm these details.
You can also find the upload button in the top right-hand corner at all times while on the site.
Our uploader is HTML5 and doesn't require any additional plugins. It supports all modern browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer. Click here for a full list of supported browsers and devices.
After selecting your photo(s) please fill out the info on the side tab. The more information you fill out about the image the more the viewer will understand the story behind the image. You can add things like - Title, Description, Location, Category, Keywords. Some of these fields will be mandatory. When complete go ahead and hit publish and your photo is now public!