How do I report a photo/user/comment?

To report photos or profiles that violate our terms of service, or community guidelines, please report these images/accounts to our Moderators.

When it comes to reporting content on 500px to our Moderators, users have two options:

If you wish to report an individual image on 500px:

1. Select the image on the user's profile that you wish to report.
2. Click the "..." button and then "Report this Photo" under the image.
3. A pop-up will appear allowing you to select a reason for the report.


To report a user's entire profile:

1. At the top right hand corner of a use's profile, you will be able to see a "..." button.
2. Select the "..." button and then click "Report User".
3. A pop-up will appear allowing you to select a reason for the report.


To report a user's comment on an image:

1. By hovering over the comment that you wish to report, a "..." option will appear to the right of the comment. 
2. Select the "..." button and then click "Flag".
3. A pop-up will appear that will allow you to confirm the report.




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