How does the 21 upload limit on our Basic 500px account work?

Basic users are entitled to 21 uploads within a 7 day period. It is important to remember that the uploading algorithm is based on rolling uploads. 

To calculate when you will have more uploads on your account, you need to count backwards from your seventh image in your Photo Manager ( 

You will be notified of how many uploads you have left within the time period when you upload an image. At the bottom of the upload screen, the following message will appear: "You have "X" photos left this week. Upgrade to Awesome, or Pro for unlimited uploads!"

If you have exceeded your uploads for the period, you will be redirected to our Upgrades page ( when you try to upload. The following message will appear at the top of the screen: "Looks like you reached your upload limit for this week! You can upgrade below for unlimited uploads."

If you delete a photo you uploaded, the upload still counts towards your upload limit. You will not receive another upload in its place. 

Why does this limitation exist for free members?

We’ve heard from our many users the desire to see an even higher level of quality of photos on our platform. At 500px, we constantly strive to showcase the very best photos from our community. We have always encouraged our users to share their very best and to focus on quality over quantity. 

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