500px is founded on the principle of helping people discover new photos and photographers. We know that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy very seriously. By visiting the 500px website, registering with 500px or using any 500px services, you are accepting and agree to comply with our Privacy Policy.
What sort of information does 500px collect?
500px collects information to elevate your 500px experience. Information such as (but not limited to), registration, profile data, and geographical location give us a better understanding of who you are and how to serve you better.
Take some time to read our Privacy Policy to learn about the kind of information 500px collects from its users. It is detailed under ‘Information Collected by 500px’.
How does 500px communicate with its users?
From time to time, we send our users communications regarding the site, but we will never provide your email address to a third party application without your explicit permission.
In each of our emails, you have the option to ‘Unsubscribe’, but you can also update your Notification preferences here.
Does 500px share my information with other parties?
We do not share your information with anything or anyone that is not integral to our business operations. When reviewing the Privacy Policy, this information is detailed under ‘Sharing Your Information’.
How safe is the information on 500px?
The safest! Your account is protected by a password and no one has access to your account unless it is integral to their job duties.
Do I have any control over the information shared with 500px?
You do, but if you choose to opt out of providing certain information this may affect your 500px experience while using the platform.
How do I deactivate my account / remove my information?
If you're not comfortable with our Privacy Policy, you have the option to deactivate your account.
To deactivate your account:
- Login to 500px
- Go to your Account Settings
- Scroll down to the "Account management" section and click on Deactivate account.
- Follow the prompts!